Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Past, present, future

Yesterday is history.
Tomorrow is a mystery.
Today is a gift, that's why we call it the present.

I completed my Senior First Aid certificate today.
It got me thinking about how important every breath and heartbeat of each minute is. In less than 5 minutes without breathing anyone could be dead. Luckily, as of today, there's 32 more people trained to revive a dead person.

Yet, what if today was the last day? What if this time tomorrow it was all over, all the dreams and hopes and aspirations we had came to nothing.

So why look so far into the future when everything I need is right here. I'm still breathing and my heart is still pumping, so why am i constantly looking and planning so far ahead? I'm going to try and relax a little and step back from what I think the future holds and focus on the now, whats happening around me and how I can make the most of it, keeping in mind the effects but not allowing the idea of my future crowd my thoughts anymore.
Maybe i'll get a fresh perspective on things...

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